I spent the last two days at the code.talks Hamburg. If you are looking for slides & videos, here you go:

ECMAScript as an evolving language

Abstract (click to expand)

ECMAScript, better known as JavaScript, is a language that has been evolving radically in the last few years.

Not only are many utility methods that formerly required the use of helper libraries like underscore now direct part of the specification, also DOM manipulation libraries like jquery have become largely obsolete due to W3C Recommendations of the past years.
Besides that, the language has adopted classes as an abstraction layer for it’s prototype-based internal OOP model, introduced arrow, generator and async functions, as well as an official module system.

As there was (and primarily due to IE, still is) a gap between the standards and the actual browser implementations, techniques like polyfilling and transpiling are widespread amongst developers and as we are using them anyways, they enable us to do something quite interesting:
Language features that are mere proposals to the TC39 (like a pipeline or null coalescence operator) can already be used as if they were part of the language.
Additionaly, the routine use of transpilers also allows the use of completely new languages built on ECMAScript, starting from non-intrusive extensions like TypeScript or Flow up to completely different languages like Elm or Reason.

This talk will give you an insight on what has happened so far, the direction everything is going and how you can keep up with this rapidly evolving language.

Everything you code is killing planet earth (Panel Discussion)

Abstract (click to expand)

One build for a developer, just one more library to pull, just one more line of code. One simple container for an operations engineer, just one more automation, just one more tool. A discussion about the art of not giving a f*ck about anything else than technology.

When working on something nice, we might lose track and zoom in too much. In conjunction with our panelists and the audience we’ll try to think about and frame solutions on how we can automate our future in a very smart and efficient way. We will cover everything from a single line of code, your doge coin wallet and the datacenters running in the arctic.